University of East London

Chatbot Widget Sandbox Website

Welcome to the University of East London Chatbot Widget Sandbox Website

This website is a sandbox environment where you can experiment with the integration of chatbot widgets and other web technologies. Feel free to test, modify, and customize the site to suit your needs.

About This Site

This site is designed to provide a simple, clean, and user-friendly interface for testing chatbot widgets. Whether you're working on a project or just learning, this sandbox offers a flexible platform to explore different possibilities.


This website is a sandbox test website being used by IT Services to test the Chatbot widget feature for a future chatbot that could be available on our main website. The website is owned by IT Services and is a proof of concept sandbox for testing the technology of an AI chatbot.

How to Use

You can start by embedding your chatbot widget in this HTML file. Look for the placeholder below and replace it with your widget's code.

Chatbot Widget Placeholder

If you need any assistance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the University of East London's support team.